1. Suite - Bedroom 1


In Room

  • Wi-Fi Internet connection
  • Air conditioning
  • Flat screen TV with satellite channels
  • Cabled Internet line
  • Direct-dial telephone
  • Hairdryer
  • Shaving socket

Available at an extra charge:
Mini-bar and safe box.
For a 3rd and 4th person, the sofas in the living room
are made up into proper single beds


  • Guests: 4
  • Size: 44m2
  • Garden - Pool View

Suites (approximately 44 sq.m.) offering a master bedroom with a king size bed and a spacious lounge designed in earth tones in a contemporary fresh summer relaxing style. Ground floor suites offer terraces and verandas with short access to the hotel’s swimming pools, or gardens while upper lever suites open up to spacious balconies overlooking the hotel’s beautifully landscaped gardens.

Suites vary in design, location and view; all-on-one level (either ground or first floor); views to the gardens or to the swimming pool. Available upon request: coffee-maker.

6. Suite - Sitting Room 2
Main Outdoors Pool 9

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